One week

It’s been over 640 days

But who’s counting?

Now it’s just one week

Seven days

Until we see you face to face

Not on a screen like we have

For the past 640-some days

I get to hug you

Squeeze you both tight

Something I’ve been wanting to do

All this time we’ve been apart.

Tears of sadness and frustration and fear and sorrow

So many of these have fallen

Because of missed birthdays, holidays, and births

Celebrating together but apart is just not the same

But these next seven days

They will see tears of excitement and love and happiness and rejoicing

Especially that seventh day

So many that the tears of the past 640-some days will have made just a small pond in comparison

I’m sure I’m not the only one they’ll be coming from

And while I cannot wait to feel your embrace again

I’m even more excited to see you scoop my girls up in your arms

For them to see that Grandma and Papa don’t live in a screen

To bounce on your knees and be silly together with you

I have longed for this

And in seven short days

This will be our reality

Tears and hugs and kisses and more tears and more hugs and smiles and laughter

The laughter

I can’t wait to hear it ringing in the house

No delay or stuttered freeze

But in real time

That I could capture the days to follow and play them over and over again

There will be many photos I’m sure

But I want there to be even more memories

Memories that will hold tight

Like the best hug

The most comforting squeeze

That will last much longer than 640-some days.

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