Spontaneous Family Picnic

Sunday the weather was so lovely so on the way home from church I told Steve I wanted to go to the park or do something outdoorsy. He suggested gathering lunch and easing to the park. It was a perfect idea! The girls had fallen asleep on the ride home so he stayed out with them while I threw lunch together and grabbed sunscreen and hats and we were on our way!

Lunch came first and was a little tricky as Evie’s not tall enough yet to reach the picnic table well from the bench but it worked. She was eager to run around on the playground, but we managed to convince her to eat most of her lunch before we went to play.

We split up as Evie just wanted to run (the girl never walks anywhere!). Steve followed her around as I took Lucy to the swings.

It was such a fun outing (even if neither of the girls took a nap afterward). It was great to do something spur of the moment without too much thought. I find that harder to do with the girls, but it worked out well because, for once, I had no other plans for the day. I get so stuck in what my plans are sometimes I find it difficult to just “go with the flow.” The funny thing about this is that I don’t think I was like that before the girls were born…

It was a nice break from the hustle and bustle of the week, and isn’t that Sundays are for? Plus I got to cross one more thing off my list! I’m looking forward to many more this summer and in the years to come, planned and not.

Love & Blessings,


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