The View From My Rocking Chair

It isn’t even 10 and it’s already been a trying day. Lucy will only sleep if I’m holding her. I don’t know if she’s cranky from the shots she got yesterday or if it’s continued crankiness from yesterday before the shots.

I’m supposed to treasure these moments, right? I do. And I love this little girl. But then it all starts whirling in my head, “There is so much to do,” and “I don’t have time for this.” And then the resulting guilt of having thought those things rains down. Yes, my little girl is a high priority, but yes, there are also times when things need to get done. I know I’m not the only one to get stuck in this vicious cycle.

So I sit in her room. Rocking this precious babe as she sleeps. As the tears of anxiety and guilt fall. They slide down my cheeks and onto her tiny hand resting near my neck. I pray more through thoughts and ideas than words, but He knows. He sees.

And then I look up. There is only one thing hanging on the wall across from me; a drawing of Aslan nuzzling Lucy. She is closely drawn into herself, seemingly trying to hide from the whirling thoughts and pressures of the world. Aslan in gently touching his head to hers, letting her know he’s there. Wanting her to open her eyes to see his face, and nothing else.

And I know this takes place in the story when Aslan is not physically present, but I can’t help but imagine him saying to her, “Courage, dear heart.” And to me.

Courage. To know and trust that He sees me.

Courage. To not be afraid of what the world holds, for He has conquered the world.

Courage. To look and see He goodness, love, and grace that outshine all else.

Courage. To be the mama this sweet babe and her sister need me to be. The one the Lord made me to be.

I believe that I shall look upon the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living! Wait for the Lord; be strong and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord! ~Psalm 27:13-14

So have courage, dear friends, to know the Lord sees you and know He is working for your good and His glory.

Love & Blessings,


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