The Best Surprise of 2020

A year ago today, my hands were shaking as I took the pregnancy test into the kitchen where Steve was cleaning up some breakfast dishes. “You ready for this?” I almost whispered as I held it out to him. He had said those same word before getting down on one knee and asking me to be his wife. He looked quizzically at the stick in my hand waiting for some mystery to be revealed (he didn’t know that the two pink lines already showed the result).

Once the realization hit him he broke into a smile. “Really?” “Really.” I was shaking and jittery and energized all at once. I was thrilled that the Lord had blessed us with another pregnancy when the first was so hard to come about. And while we weren’t really “trying” either.

It was one week before my 38th birthday. I hadn’t even gotten dressed for church yet and we had to leave soon. After that we were meeting Steve’s family to celebrate my brother-in-law’s and my birthdays. And I couldn’t tell anyone….well, I did tell one person, my dear friend Julie. We were teaching children’s church together and she had been joking the previous week about the potential of me being pregnant as I was just feeling off.

I just figured Lucy should get her own little spotlight, second child as she is 😊 Now she’ll be 4 months old tomorrow and while the last year had its highs and lows I’m so glad she was on the top of one of those highs. She hasn’t been around long, but I couldn’t imagine our family without her. She’s sleeping in my arms as I type this, our little miracle girl. The one we didn’t ever expect, but oh so desired. A delight she will be, all of her days (remind me I said that on when she flushes my keys down the toilet or decides to draw a crayon mural in her room).

I praise the Lord for this sweet girl (and her big sister, too, of course) and am grateful He saw fit to entrust us with her.

Love & Blessings,


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