Music Reviews: Carrie Newcomer & Mission House

One of the items on my 40 Before 40 list is to listen to 25 new-to-me artists. I’ve been slacking on this somewhat, but recently listened to my second so I thought I’d share my thoughts.

This is the first I listened to, sometime back in February, I think. I was having a rough day and was grateful to be able to get out of the house and go and do crafts at the assisted living facility. I put this on as I pulled out of the driveway. At the first song I was taken back by the richness of Carrie’s voice. It wasn’t light and airy and high. It was deep and full and beautiful. It drew me in and I felt great comfort, like sitting with an old friend. This album was a balm to my soul.

Favorite songs: Lean in Toward the Light, A Shovel is a Prayer, The Beautiful Not Yet, You Can Do This Hard Thing

I just listened to this album this past week. I thought I should probably work on some of the items in my list and as the girls were napping and there were dishes that needed to be washed, listening to music seemed like a good fit. I looked back on my list of suggested artists and this was at the top of the list. These songs drew me into worship of the Lord. I’m trying to learn how to do this more/better and the words and melodies seemed to help focus my ever-distracted mind. The repetitiveness of some of the choruses may not be favored by some, but I could see myself using one of the songs to focus my attention on the Lord as I prepare to spend time in worship and prayer.

Favorite songs: Nothing Left To Do, Never See the End