Reality Check

With less than 2 weeks until the big 4-0 I have come to the realization that my 40 Before 40 list is going to turn into a 40 Through 40 list. I vastly underestimated the time it would take to complete these tasks while also caring for our two daughters and all things home related…silly me for thinking I could do it all.

This really has been the struggle this year – wanting to do it all and still not grasping the limits of what I may be able to accomplish in a day, but I’m getting better. I, just yesterday, stashed away materials for a new project I want to do, one that can certainly wait until I finish all the unfinished ones in my queue.

In the past year I’ve gotten one more year of experience as a mama. That is surely something I wouldn’t trade for anything, though sometimes I think I’d like to. It can be hard and frustrating and draining and did I mention hard? But then I’ll catch Evie playing on her xylophone and singing snippets of “How Great Thou Art” or I’ll give Lucy something at lunch and she’ll smile at me and sign “Thank you.” And my heart catches because in those moments I know it’s not in vain, this work I’m doing, and despite what it seems like a lot of the time, they are listening and watching and learning and growing. And as their mama and primary caregiver it’s my job to put this first.

So in this past year I’ve done more than any list could hold, little everyday things, laundry and dishes and coloring and building and stickers (oh so many stickers!). And while I really do want to complete the list that follows, those things aren’t going anywhere. The work that the Lord has set before me in raising these sweet babes, that’s the path I’m on and they are eager to be on the move. So I’ll chase and follow them as long as they’ll let me (and probably a little while after that too 😊).

So for my official list I’ve got somethings checked off, some partially done, and some not even touched (some even finagled a little). I thought I’d give an update about where I am in all of this, and really, to see for myself.

1. Read through the Bible – 25/66 In the midst of Ezekiel right now

2. Read 15 books (I swapped the number of books to read with the number of audio books to listen to – it just made more sense as I can listen to books more easily) – 9/15

3. Finish reading the Wingfeather Saga with Steve – we are still on book 2, but I told him I’d like to finish it by my birthday.

4. & 5. Run a 5K & 10K – I really don’t know if these will be done…I haven’t run in over 6 months. I was doing really well, but as the runs got longer it was harder to figure out the logistics of being able to go running, even if I took the girls with me. The further I got was 2 miles without stopping, which was pretty amazing. I do still like running, it’s just figuring out when I can actually do it.

6. Pay off my car – ✅

7. Go to Michigan – ✅ x2 😊 We drive there last summer and flew there for Christmas. Both trips were wonderful!

8. Listen to 40 audio books – 22/40 – I’m currently on an Inkling kick and am listening to The Fellowship of the Ring. The previous two books were about C. S. Lewis, and then him & Tolkien and how WWI influenced their writing.

9. Eat in a restaurant – ✅, many times over since last February, but the first time was last March when we went to Iron Hill (also Lucy’s first restaurant experience).

10. Get take out from a new place – ✅ also done last March

11. Organize the basement – still a work in progress

12. Update photo wall – nope

13. Complete Lucy’s shadow box – ✅

14. Make braided t-shirt jump rope – no, but hoping to do this as a craft in March for Operation Christmas Child shoe boxes

15. Make a braided basket – no again

16. Make Lucy’s mobile – I have the pieces made but need to see them together…thoughts on how a mobile could be designed for an almost 18 month old?

17. Beat Yoshi’s Craft World – so close!

18. Wear clothes that fit in 2016 – ✅ silhouette is not the same, but some look decent. I’ll take photos when I remember (or when I feel like it 😆)

19. & 20. Get Evie’s & Lucy’s journals up to date – this has probably been one of the hardest things to sit down and do. I very much want to, but haven’t. I have a feeling I’ll be posting about that later.

21. Make felt play food – ✅ Crafty post about that coming soon!

22. Write letters to 10 friends – 1/10

23. Complete a Little Free Library – about half way. My dad helped a lot with this when he was out in May, but I haven’t been able to work on it since. It would be awesome if I could get it up by Evie’s birthday.

24. Write Steve a love letter – not just because

25. Watch 10 Best Picture films I’ve never seen – 1 2/3 /10 – I fell asleep towards the end of Patton. I really liked it, I was just also very tired. We haven’t gotten around to watching the end yet.

26. Make pasties – nope

27. Go on a family picnic – ✅ Last May

28. Make a quilt or quilted wall hanging – not quite, but I did make a really neat quilted towel for a collaborative art project. I think that counts so ✅

29. Try hot sauce with a meal – ✅ this was actually the first I did.

30. Write a poem – ✅

31. Write a story – nope

32. Find a new family doctor – ✅

33. Make pretzels from scratch – nope

34. Make something with Evie – ✅ she helped me make poke cake when we were in MI in the summer.

35. Listen to 25 albums from new-to-me artists – 4/25 – I’ve found I should just look up and add the albums when I have a moment because when I actually have time to really listen I’m usually by myself in the car (which doesn’t happen often) and I don’t have my list of ideas with me.

36. Record the first episode of Page & Screen – nope

37. Learn to do a smokey eye – nope

38. Commission a work of art from a kid/teen – ✅ I asked Alli when she was still 19 so I’m counting it! She made an amazing shadow box with Carl & Ellie’s house from Up in it. Just need to figure out where to hang it in Evie’s room.

39. Spend an evening stargazing with Steve – ✅ we did this in September with a lovely campfire in the backyard.

40. Wear my wedding band & engagement ring – almost. I have been able to put my wedding band on for a bit but then it feels too tight and freaks me out a little that I might get it stuck so I take it off 😞 My stand-in ring is too big though and I’ve thought I lost it multiple times just to have it turn up in random places (like at the bottom of a basket of laundry). Maybe in a month or so…

So, all in all, 15 out of 40 are completed with as many never yet touched. Give it a year and check back with me. I’ve heard 40 is a good year and I am excited to see what it brings.

Love & Blessings,


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